Sleep Walking.......

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

........freaks me out. Most of you know that my kids go to bed and stay in bed. So, when Claire walked out of her room at 9:50pm (two hours after I tucked her in) and walked up behind me as I did the dishes tonight, I almost peed my pants!!! I asked her why she was up and tried to talk to her but she did not respond. I re-directed her back to her bed and as soon as she layed back down, it was as if she was sound asleep and nothing had happened. Freaky!!!!

The Ice Cream Man.......

Saturday, July 26, 2008

........was on our street today. This is the first time in the three years we have lived in our neighborhood that the ice cream man paid us a visit. When C and J heard the music playing, you would have thought Disney Land opened in our front yard. And, for those who live on our street that didn't hear the music, C and J repetitively screamed "The Ice Cream Man" loud enough to let everyone know. C picked out a Tweetie Bird Popsicle and J picked out a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Popsicle. As J finished his, he said that "this is the best day of his life."

PS - Take note of J's bike helmet. The plastic fell off months ago, and he still wears it. It's the Styrofoam that protects his head anyway, right?!

My Mom's Crazy.......

Friday, July 25, 2008 what C wanted to call the blog. J came up with Clog Blog. We went with "Always Something......", because it is ALWAYS something!!!!!

Thanks to my friend Laura for all her help in setting up our blog.

Be back later .......with more.